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Friday, May 21, 2010

Bleach 404 - Deicide 6 - Review/Summary


Aizen starts speaking to Yoruichi, Urahara, and Isshin, about how he's going to kill them pretty much. There is some mild comedy about Yoruichi's shoe which dissapeared wich much have been special because her whole leg didn't get cut off when Aizen countered in the last chapter.  Yoruichi waits for Aizen to attack and when he does she is surprised by it. A huge pillar of whatever happens when he hits her and we cut to Ichigo and Gin.

Gin comes up behind Ichigo telling him that he's open but that he should just relax and watch the fight, saying that since Aizen gone all hyogoku there is no hope.  Ichigo says that he doesn't know what'll happen to him with Aizen like that. Gin taunts him saying he's admitted he'll be dead and has given up.

Gin begins to attack Ichigo with his uber long sword which goes back to normal size in at instant. He uses a new attack which, if we go by it's name, extends multiple swords. This prompts Ichigo to go hollow. We then see Kira lying on the ground and Rangiku running to see gin.


Slow moving but good chapter. Aizen didn't really say anything exciting or new to really justify the lack of action but it was still a good chapter. I'd like to point out that in my last post about the bleach manga, the last picture showed Aizen fused together with his sword. Exactly what happened this week? He's suddenly unfused with it with no explanation as to what just happened? Gin and Ichigo's fight was okay for me. I really love Gin and I'm happy to see him fight now. His personality is just fun. Kira in this chapter I don't mind but Rangiku I don't like very much. I haven't been much of a Rangiku fan since I first started watching bleach. I don't know what it is about her, but I don't get why she's so high rank when she really doesn't seem to be that strong. Then again I haven't seen many strong people from Toshiro's squad except for Toshiro himself.

Oh well. Next week I feel it's going to be a talk chapter with Aizen and Isshins crew, and Rangiku and Gin. Not really looking forward to it, unless there are some new revalations. Hopefully Rangiku doesn't go there and go all. "we were friends!" That'll really get to me.


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